When All Is Read And Done // November 2018 Wrap-Up
Muse of Mental Illness Rep // Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
Published On: December 4, 2018Categories: Awards42 Comments

I’m not a funny person.

The highlight of my would-be funny person career was when I was nine years old and I cracked some super lame joke about sheep at Sunday School. That was definitely one of the Top Three defining moments of my life (up there with giving birth and getting married). And even then, I think only about two people laughed, and one might have been a cough – it was hard to tell.

When it comes to telling jokes or being funny, I’m much better at being the one who is laughing rather than the one making people laugh. This is a problem. How am I supposed to make the characters in my WIP fall in love and be cutesy without witty banter? WITTY BANTER IS THE KEY TO SAILING SHIPS, PEOPLE. And since I’m about as good at writing jokes as I am at shoveling sand with a rubber duck, I think all my characters may be doomed to dry, non-sarcastic relationships (Laini Taylor teach me your wayyyyyyys!).

That being said, the irony is not lost on me that I was nominated for The Entertainer Award by the lovely and most wonderful Erin @ Pages of Milk and Honey. I see a theme going on here; we’ve got waffles, milk, honey….it’s like breakfast!

Anyways, I guess some kind soul out there in the black void must have thought my horrible waffle puns were redeemable or else I wouldn’t have been nominated for this award. Watch out folks – I think my small ego grew three sizes.

Like this, except with my ego.

The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
  • Add the rules so others can follow.
  • Answer the questions that have been asked.
  • Nominate a handful of entertaining bloggers.

If you could play any fictional character in a film adaptation, who would it be?

Ginny Weasley, hands down. SHE IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL. I’ve dressed up as her for Halloween at least a dozen times. She’s a ginger (like me) and was an Awkward Child™ (like me – except she grew out of it and I didn’t). Plus, then Fred and George would be my fictional brothers, and JUST THINK of all the mischief I would get to be a part of on set.

Which two characters would you want to be your parents, if you had to replace your own?

So, actually I would choose one character instead of two and it would have to be Michelle Benoit (Scarlet’s grandmother from The Lunar Chronicles) because she’s a TOTAL BA who decided, “Meh, why not become a farmer?” And then she did. Plus, she taught Scarlet how to shoot a pistol at a very young age. These are true parenting goals. Y’all should be taking notes.

What is one genre/trope/theme that you would love to read more about, but are struggling to find books on?

This is such a perfectly perfect question for me right now because I actually just wrote a whole entire post about this. I would love to read more New Adult Fantasy (sans erotica) where the main characters are college students. I’ve always found that all the exciting stuff in books always happens to high schoolers. Why is it that as soon as a character hits the big 2-0 that all of that goes away? Are you only magical as a teenager?

I think Monica Borg says it best:

Would you rather stay in your own world, or choose a fictional world to visit and never return?

If I was more adventurous, I would say the second option. But sadly, my idea of being adventurous is choosing a flavor I haven’t tried before at Baskin Robbins. So, hard nope. Adventure and fictional worlds, although exciting to read about in books, would be less glorious in actuality. I mean, just think about it – if you attended Hogwarts, there would be obscene amounts of homework to complete, all-nighters to pull, exams to study for and ultimately fail. If you visited Middle Earth, there would be no indoor plumbing, no air conditioning, no new ice cream flavors to feel anxious about trying. *whispers* No waffles. 

You can call me a cynic, but I prefer the term, “realist.”

Plus, if I went traversing off to visit a fictional world and never returned, I’d be leaving behind my family. MY!! FAMILY!! Guys, despite the fact that I read a whole bunch of dark and gritty fantasy novels, I’m actually a big softie – I CRY IF MY HUSBAND HAS TO GO AWAY ON A BUSINESS TRIP OKAY??? So, I’ll have to pass on giving up my family, my ice cream, and the beautiful invention of the air conditioner.

What time of day do you usually prefer to read?

I read whenever I get the chance, but as a mother of a young child, that “chance” is pretty hard to come by. Heck, I struggle to find a free moment to pee, let alone a moment to read.

Once the little man is asleep for the evening though, I like to do an emphatic (but quiet) victory dance with my husband (“We survived another day as parents!!!”) before cozying up under an Everest-worthy mountain of blankets with my current read. I find reading a great way to relax at the end of a long day. Maybe too relaxing because the moment I open up my book, I fall asleep. Like, it’s instantaneous. My brain just goes, “Oh, you’re reading? This is the perfect time for a system reboot. ”

When I wake up in the morning, I’m always livid with my brain: “COME ON! I just want to read more than two sentences of this book! STOP MAKING ME FALLING ASLEEP AT 9 O’CLOCK!”  As you can see, I lead a very exciting and adventurous life (For more details, Please refer back to my answer to the previous question).

Do you like bingeing a book series all at once, or stretching it out?

OKAY, CONFESSION TIME. I am horrible about reading series. Even if the first installment is the can’t-eat, can’t-sleep, reach-for-the-stars, over- the-fence, World Series kind of book, it usually takes me a couple of months to pick up the second. I could try and cover this up by saying it’s all purposeful – that I’m trying to elongate my enjoyment of the series so that it doesn’t end too quickly. But if I’m honest, it’s because I love shiny new books and have the attention span of a teaspoon.

Thanks for the lovely questions, Erin! I had a waffle lot of fun answering them :))))))).

My Nominations:

So, the rules say that I should nominate, “a handful of entertaining bloggers,” but that doesn’t even make any sense because I don’t know about you, but I can hold a grand total of zero bloggers in my hand. But I digress.

Here are some blogs that make me clutch my sides from laughter, that make milk spurt out my nose, that make me laugh until I cry. You guys, please don’t feel obligated to do this award – I’m sure you’ve been nominated for it like….a million times. BUT I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOU MAKE ME LAUGH AND SMILE AND…HAPPINESS !!!

My Questions:

  • If you became THE SUPREME RULER OF THE UNIVERSE™, what would your first decree be?
  • What is the most hilarious childhood memory that you can remember?
  • Badly explain the book you are currently reading. (Okay, so technically this isn’t a question, but…..*shrugs*).
  • You are about to get into a fight. What song plays in the background as your soundtrack?
  • If you could kill off any character in the book you are currently reading, which character would it be?

What are some blogs that you find entertaining to read?

What are some tips to writing witty banter? ASKING FOR A FRIEND.

Would you say that you are a funny person?

Have you been nominated for the Entertainer Award before?



  1. Marie December 4, 2018 at 3:07 am - Reply

    Lovely answers for this tag, Kat! I am also the WORST at reading series, I get started with one and wait YEARS (like, really) before getting to the next book, either because I forget,I can’t buy it at the moment or….I don’t know, I’m just the worst with it all as well hahaha :)

  2. Priyasha December 4, 2018 at 3:39 am - Reply

    Lovely answers 💕❤

    …. I loved your answers 💕

  3. malanielovesfiction December 4, 2018 at 3:55 am - Reply

    OH DEAR GOD KAT, ILYSM!!???? how can you think you’re not funny meanwhile i’m clutching my sides and spitting water over my poor keyboard lskdjflkj dflkjglkjdsglkjsdlkfj

    + gosh tysm for nominating me???? YOU ARE JUST SO NICE. tbh I try so hard to be funny & it’s such a sad thing to witness XD i think mostly people irl think quietly “ahh she tried so hard! let’s laugh awkwardly && hurry the children away”

    AND OMG WITTY BANTER???? HOW ON EARTH!!????? authors who can do witty banter deserve sm praise and eternal adoration

    also, i agree with everything about this post, Michelle Benoit would make such a great parent??? she earned Scarlett’s devotion which is SUCH AN hOnOr???? SCARLET IS SUCH A BAD*SS

    +++i’m the opposite of adventurous too!!! i hate being uncomfortable and adventurers have to sleep in the woods and meet strangers constantly and i simplyyyyy would DIE INSTANTLY

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 7:40 am - Reply

      MALANIEEEEE!!!! Your comments are always the best and make me so, so happy! <3 <3 I'm glad you think I'm funny because I can promise you irl I am not. Everything is always better when you can write it, yeah? haha. AnD GOSH YES. Talking to strangers and trying to make new friends is STRESS AT ITS FINEST.

  4. Luana @Bookstormgirl December 4, 2018 at 4:38 am - Reply

    Excuse me, I would like to report a case of impersonation. Kat says she’s not funny, and this post was clearly written by a funny person. It just doesn’t add up.

    Loved to read your answers, you deserve the award! xD

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 7:41 am - Reply

      Luana! Thank you so much for thinking I am funny <3 My confidence has been boosted.

  5. the caramel marshmallow December 4, 2018 at 5:16 am - Reply

    read the “lovely vicious” series. it has THE BEST BANTER and the two main characters are just generally awesome.
    loved this kat!! x

  6. nsfordwriter December 4, 2018 at 5:41 am - Reply

    People seem to find me funny for some reason?! I can be quite random and eccentric. Also I tend to be very honest, which can result in some laughs.
    I laughed at the bathroom break thing. When the kids were newborns I could hold them in one arm and hold a book with the other. No such luck now, I need eyes in back of my head!

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 7:45 am - Reply

      I totally agree about the needing-eyes-in-the back-of-my-head thing! I only have my two-year-old to take care of right now, but he is such a handful. I don’t know how parents with more than one kid cope! ANyways, thanks for the wonderful comment :) You’re the best!

      • nsfordwriter December 8, 2018 at 8:14 am - Reply

        Thank you kindly!
        My 2 year-old is into climbing right now. At least my 1-year-old is skipping the crawling stage and for now stays put :)

  7. emmareadstoomuch December 4, 2018 at 6:19 am - Reply

    I LOVE YOU THANK YOU. you entertainer you

  8. Erin @ Pages of Milk and Honey December 4, 2018 at 11:28 am - Reply

    I am LIVING for your It Takes Two reference!!! But also, all your answers were really great! Thank you for doing this ☺️♥️

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 4, 2018 at 12:18 pm - Reply

      OH MY GOSH YOU CAUGHT THAT. I AM DYING. Seriously, props to you for understanding my movie references. And thanks so much for nominating me! It means so much and your questions were really fun to answer :)

  9. tasya @ the literary huntress December 4, 2018 at 11:33 am - Reply

    I’m bad at reading series too! No matter how much I enjoyed the book and the world, I need to give myself some time before picking the next book. I just get easily bored if I stayed in one world for too long ahaha xD

  10. Becky (Blogs of a Bookaholic) December 5, 2018 at 4:19 am - Reply

    YOU ARE VERY FUNNY AND I LIVE FOR YOUR WAFFLE PUNS, so, you totally deserve this award. :)

    Also, I just grabbed your blog button and added it to my blog. :)

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 7:52 am - Reply

      BECKY THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHHH – for both loving my horrible waffle puns and for putting my button on your blog. It means the world to me 😭 😭 😭 😭 Thanks for your continued love and support!

  11. may December 5, 2018 at 4:48 am - Reply

    KAT YOURE LIKE THE FUNNIEST BEAN EVER, how dare you speak about my favourite blogger/reviewer (you) like that?? i laughed at least 321 time while reading this post alone

    i can’t believe you chose Michelle Benoit as your secondary-parent bc SHES TOTALLY MY PICK TOO OH MY GOODNESS SHES SUCH A BUTT KICKING QUEEN. omg i can’t imagine HOW you get reading done with a little one. when im in charge of babysitting my nephew and niece my ENTIRE day is taken and i get less than 0 pages read, so you, are a hero


    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 12:56 pm - Reply

      DAW STOP IT YOU’RE MAKING ME BLUSHHHHH. But seriously, thank you so much for even thinking I am a tad bit funny. Consider my confidence BOOSTED. And you deserve this award, and every award actually, BECAUSE YOU ARE AWESOME.

  12. Norrie December 5, 2018 at 4:50 am - Reply

    Well, this was funny! Don’t know about your sheep joke, but this was a cute post, haha :)
    I’m really bad at series too. Even if all the books are out, chances are i won’t read them one after another. Sometimes a year goes by between books and i’m all like “who dis?” “what happened here?” :D

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 12:57 pm - Reply

      Hahah I feel the same way about books, but then I don’t have the time to reread the previous novel to refresh my memory and it causes problems cause I can’t remember anybody’s names. Thanks for reading 😀😀

  13. Kelly Brigid December 5, 2018 at 2:37 pm - Reply

    HUN, YOU ARE THE MOST ENTERTAINING AND FUNNIEST BLOGGER EVER! I adore everything about you and your waffle puns are amazing. I literally get so excited every time I see a new blog post of yours pop up in my feed! I totally agree with all your answers, and would LOVE to be related to Michelle Benoit!

    Love this post, Kat! <3

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 1:01 pm - Reply

      OKAY UM THIS COMMENT LEGIT MADE ME TEAR UP. Thank you so much for your continued support, Kelly! It really means more than I can say. ❤❤❤ Plus, you like my waffle puns, so that automatically makes us BFFs :)

  14. Rose December 7, 2018 at 4:57 am - Reply

    I’m the exact same with series! I keep telling myself that I’ll binge them, BUT I JUST CAN’T. 😫 I just can’t focus on them which is so weird haha.

  15. Kaleena @ Reader Voracious December 7, 2018 at 8:20 am - Reply

    You say you aren’t funny but I BEG TO DIFFER, MISSY!

  16. Lupe @ Bookwyrming Thoughts December 8, 2018 at 2:10 pm - Reply

    This was such a joy to read! Who says you weren’t funny? I was definitely laughing! It’s hard finding time to read as I’m a full-time student, but I always enjoyed reading before going to bed.

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 7:49 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much! I’m really so glad that you think I’m a bit funny – CONSIDER MY CONFIDENCE BOOSTED. It’s hard to find the time to read, I agree, but I always feel so much happier after a nice reading session :)

  17. Lindsi December 8, 2018 at 3:38 pm - Reply

    I would love to see more NA books, too! I still enjoy YA books, and I like adult romance, but I feel like there’s this whole underdeveloped genre. College is an incredibly important age. We’re just now starting to figure out who we are and what we want to do. We’re also dating because we can, and likely not someone we went to school with. You should totally try Begin Again by Mona Kasten — so good!

    I also love the idea of Scarlet’s grandmother being a substitute parent. She was amazing! I wish things had worked out a little differently for her, but I don’t think Scarlet’s character would have developed the same way if it had. Lovely post!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 8, 2018 at 7:53 pm - Reply

      Thank you so much for pointing in the direction of Begin Again! Book Recommendations are always the best :) And I totally agree with what you said about college. It’s an important age and it should be in books more! Anyways, thanks for the comment :)

  18. Sophie @ Blame Chocolate December 10, 2018 at 1:43 am - Reply

    Yesss Michelle Benoit for a parent!!! I loved her character so much and could not agree more.
    I can’t finish series to save my life either – like, I loved the first Shades of Magic and even started the second, but did I finish it? Nope.
    Anyway, great post Kat! And you’re totally wrong in saying you’re not funny because YOU ARE ❤️ (and also deserve this award massively so shush)

    • Kat @ Novels & Waffles December 12, 2018 at 7:07 am - Reply

      OH MY GOSH. I never finished the Shades of Magic series either, haha. AND DAwWWWWW you are so kind to say that, Sophie! Thanks for your continued support and kind words. THEY MEAN EVERYTHING.

  19. […] @Novels and Waffles – Because no matter what you say, you’re actually a funny […]

  20. […] |  Malanie Loves Fiction  |  Hamad @ The Book Prescription  |  Kathy @ Books and Bunches  |  Kat @ Novels and Waffles  |  CW @ The Quiet […]

  21. […] in mind, I decided that my own blog name should have at least one of those things in it as well. I’m not an inherently funny or clever person, so coming up with a funny or clever blog name was a pretty tall order. A great resource for this […]

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