Avatar The Last Airbender

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7 Fierce Books for Firebenders

October 23, 2020|Categories: Lists|Tags: , |

Hello, Kat here. But I guess you probably already know me, sort of. Uhhhh...so the thing is I have a lot of reading experience and I'm considered to be pretty good at it. Well you've seen it, you know, when I was shouting at you to read my favorite book. Uh yeah, I guess I should apologize for that. But anyway...I think it's time that I shared with you 7 fierce must-read books for firebenders.

6 Diverse Books for Earthbenders

October 16, 2020|Categories: Lists|Tags: , |

Is your endless TBR crushing you like a giant boulder? Are you weighed down by that mountain of book reviews you still need to write? Because #same. The only remedy for this dilemma is obvious: feverishly add more books to your "to-read" Goodreads shelf! And to help you out with that, I'm back with another Avatar: The Last Airbender book recommendation post – EARTHBENDING STYLE!!!

6 Wonderful Books for Waterbenders

October 9, 2020|Categories: Lists|Tags: , |

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, Kat and her books lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when a reading slump attacked...But I believe a good book recommendation can save the world. That's why today I'm going to share six books that are perfect for all the waterbenders (and Avatar: The Last Airbender fans) out there.


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