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How to Create an Instagram Theme featured image
Published On: February 28, 2020Categories: Social MediaTags: 22 Comments

🎵So you wanna be make an Instagram theme, well whoop de doo.
I have been around the block before and tried a billion themes, just like you
Each and everyone of them a disappointment
pain and ache for which there ain’t no ointment. 🎵

me trying to make an instagram theme
Actual footage of me Struggling (with a capital S) to make the right Instagram theme.

All slightly-altered Disney songs aside (fingers crossed they don’t sue me for copyright infringement), Instagram themes are hard. Like getting-up-on-a-Monday-morning-to-go-to-school-slash-work hard. Or telling-your-longtime-crush-that-you-like-them hard. Or even, not-requesting-that-highly-anticipated-ARC-because-you’re-on-an-ARC-ban hard. But why are they this hard? Because they just are. End of article. Slam laptop closed. Done.

Okay, not really. They’re hard because not all of us are magically gifted by the Creative Gods with an impeccable eye for color schemes or a golden touch with a camera. But even without those things, you can still create a beautiful bookstagram account, and today that’s exactly what I’m going to show you how to do! So sit back, grab some waffles, and enjoy my comprehensive guide on how to make your very own Instagram theme.

What is an Instagram Theme?

I think we’ve sufficiently established that finding the perfect Instagram theme can be realllllllllly difficult. But what exactly is an Instagram theme, anyways? 

Although it’s not something you could look up in a dictionary (which is a real shame because I have this thing for looking up definitions), I’d say that an Instagram theme is what makes your photos fit and flow together. It’s some visual factor, such as a recurring color palette or layout, that ties your feed together and helps you to create one cohesive look. This is an extremely important factor when it comes to creating a memorable brand.

It’s All About Consistency

If you’re anything like me, then you probably find the above pictures to be oddly satisfying. That’s because we, as human beings, love love love visual consistency. We love to see things that match, fit, and flow together. That’s undoubtedly why Instagram themes are so popular; they are visually consistent.

PRO TIP: People like things that match. You can use that to your advantage by creating an Instagram feed that fits together visually.

With this in mind, the first and most important rule in choosing (and ultimately creating) your own bookstagram theme is this: remember to make it visually consistent. Now, I’d like to add a caveat here: consistent ≠ exactly the same. Adopting an Instagram theme doesn’t mean that you must, or even should, post the exact same photo over and over and over again. It simply means that there should be some element or aspect in all of your photos that ties them together visually. That makes them match.

How to Make An Instagram Theme

So the key to creating a bookstagram theme that’ll embody your blog’s brand is to make your pictures feel samey-samey like the Olsen Twins wearing matching outfits in the 90s. But how can you create that samey-samey feeling (or in other words: how can you create that visual consistency we just talked about)? Below are five bookstagram feed ideas that will help you to do just that! Now go forth and conquer your no-longer-daunting bookstagram themes!

1. Use the Same Props

Using the same items over and over again in your photos might sound a bit redundant, repetitive, or even superfluous, but it’s not! In fact, it’s a great way to save money! Find just one or two objects that you really love, whether that be a knit blanket with a funky pattern or a handful of fake flowers, and don’t be afraid to incorporate them mercilessly into all of your pictures! For example, @blogsofabookaholic likes to use the same vine of ivy, whereas @miasbookblog’s prop of choice is an adorable tan sweater.

blogs of a bookaholic instagram feed
miasabookblog instagram theme

2. Use the Same Colors

This tip, in particular, is what saved my own bookstagram account from drowning in a sea of Instagram-theme-induced confusion. It was only when I decided to throw pops of bright yellow into all my images that my theme really started to come together. You can achieve this look by collecting a myriad of props that are all the same color (I have yellow flowers, a yellow sweater, a yellow notebook, yellow yarn…you get the idea) to use. You can also search for repeating colors in the world around you, like @makeyourstorymatter does. This account creates an orange theme through the use of both props and lifestyle-type pictures. 

3. Use the Same Background

You don’t have to travel someplace exotic to find a great backdrop for your bookstagram photos! In fact, as @nutfreenerd proves, you don’t even have to leave your house if you don’t want to. This account is a great example of using the same exact background to create a consistent vibe among your photos. @abookandacup’s feed does this as well, but in a different way. Its consistency comes not from a specific location, but from the fact that all of its images have a woodsy, outdoor backdrop!

nut free nerd instagram theme
a book and a cup instagram theme

4. Use the Same Layout

Formatting your pictures similarly will go a long way towards creating a cohesive look for your bookstagram account. For example, @thesappyslytherin’s images never feature the same background twice, but instead foster visual consistency by always having someone holding a book in the exact same way. This placement is what creates that samey-samey feeling. @pawsandpaperbacks’s feed achieves this as well by framing a book’s spines horizontally across the photo.

the sappy slytherin instagram theme
pawsandpaperbacks instagram theme

5. Use the Same Editing Style or Filters 

Making an Instagram theme is not just about what you put in your pictures, but what you do to them after capturing the shot. By using the same filters or by choosing to edit them in a similar way, you can create a mood that ties your otherwise unrelated images together. For example, @holo.reader loves to bump up the saturation and exposure to build a feed that’s bright and full of color. On the other hand, @bookwnoname prefers dark, moody photos with heavy vignetting and strong blacks.

holo.reader instagram theme
bookwnoname instagram theme

To Sum it Up

Although creating and choosing an Instagram theme is so difficult that it wouldn’t be out of place among the Twelve Labors of Heracles, hopefully this comprehensive guide has helped you on your way to achieving the beautiful feed of your dreams.

For other design and branding related articles, click here.

How did you choose your current Instagram theme?

Have any additional tips or tricks you’d like to share? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!


  1. Holly February 28, 2020 at 9:53 pm - Reply

    Wowow, thank you so much for mentioning my feed!! <3 This is a great post–it can be really daunting to try to develop a cohesive theme at first!

  2. MetalPhantasmReads February 29, 2020 at 12:00 am - Reply

    Thank you for this Kat! I always thought that mixing it up was a good thing but I might try the more consistent theme :)

  3. Beware Of The Reader February 29, 2020 at 12:21 am - Reply

    I love that post and will link to it in my Sunday post Kat! It took me a long time to work on a theme on IG. Because I don’t want to always have the same layout nor use the same prop. The trick for me was using the same background (white) and always add very colorful prop as I love bright and colorful pics. As you asid, we aren’t all magically gifted and it took me some work LOL

  4. Sophie @ Me and Ink February 29, 2020 at 12:39 am - Reply

    This is really helpful. It can be super hard to create a Instagram theme but consistency is definitely key and I didn’t really know of so many ways it can be achieved so this is great. I like to experiment with different things and connect mine by colour at the moment but I’m getting to the end of my rainbow so I need to come up with a different idea so you have nailed the timing for me, (that’s so sweet, thank you ;-) )
    Great post and I do love your bookstagram pictures– the colour is wonderful!! <3

  5. Miri ♪ Book Dragoness ♪ February 29, 2020 at 4:13 am - Reply

    This is so helpful! I struggle with keeping my bookstagram theme consistent too, but that’s because I easily get bored and need to switch things up. I’m on a bit of a bookstagram hiatus now but I’ll definitely keep your tips in mind when I start again one day :)

  6. Abi @ Scribbles and Stories February 29, 2020 at 5:16 am - Reply

    This article has some really great tips! Some of it is so simple, like using the same props, but I don’t think I ever would have thought of that making a theme. I’ve been toying with the idea of creating a bookstagram lately, if I decide to take the plunge I’ll definitely be coming back to this article! 😄

  7. Maude February 29, 2020 at 6:30 am - Reply

    Thank you for the advice ! I’ve only recently started a bookstagram account, and I don’t really have good props or a background I could use every time, but I’ll look for a way to make a uniform editing style so my feed looks better 😊

  8. Meaghan @ Hail and Well Read February 29, 2020 at 1:37 pm - Reply

    Kat, I love when you post about design, whether it’s for blogs or Insta! You really have an eye for these things (I mean, obviously, look at the cool art and blog designs you do!), and it helps so much to see it all laid out like this. I have a sort of theme on my Insta, but this is a post I’m going to sit and revisit soon while I try to make my feed a little more coherent.

  9. […] Kat @ Novels and Waffles shares some tips for making sure your bookstagram has a theme! […]

  10. Ash Ronnel March 1, 2020 at 3:35 am - Reply

    Oh my gosh, your design posts are always the best, Kat!! This was SO helpful and I’m definitely going to be bookmarking it if I decide to create a bookstagram in the future. Thanks for this lovely post <3

  11. Belle March 1, 2020 at 3:48 am - Reply

    I don’t have a bookstagram account, but this post is making me seriously consider starting one 😅. I can definitely see myself referencing these tips for later 😁!

  12. harpergraeblog March 1, 2020 at 12:53 pm - Reply

    This so helpful, definitely using some of these tips

  13. Cam @ Camillea Reads March 3, 2020 at 9:21 am - Reply

    It’s been a while since I’ve been on IG due to moving hehe but I’ll be getting back on it soon enough! There’s a beautiful tree outside my house that I would love to feature on my bookstagram.

  14. Catarina @ Pages & Plots March 3, 2020 at 9:46 pm - Reply

    Honestly, not being able to find a consistent theme of my pics was one of the main reasons why I dropped my bookstagram. I’m thinking about getting back into it when I have some time, and this post will be an essential resource. Thank you so much for this!

  15. Caitlin @ Caitlin Althea March 5, 2020 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    kat, you are the QUEEN OF ADVICE POSTS!! thank you so much for this! though i don’t have Instagram, I might start just for fun, and I know that I’ll be coming back to this post if I do. I love that you included tons of pieces of advice that are accessible to everyone and easy to follow 😍😍 also, I adore you and Holly’s Instagram feeds! <3

  16. March Wrap Up & April TBR (2020) March 31, 2020 at 1:38 am - Reply

    […] Kat @ Novels and Waffles shared some tips to create theme for Instagram […]

  17. Raye @ Whiskey on my Kindle April 11, 2020 at 1:26 am - Reply

    Thanks for writing this! This is super helpful. I’ve really been struggling with this recently but I think I found a good way that works for me.

  18. Elise @thebookishactress April 16, 2020 at 3:19 am - Reply

    I know I’m a couple days late but I loved this post, Kat! I’ve been trying to come up with a for-real instagram theme and it’s been a bit of a struggle trying to figure out how to do it.

  19. […] Kat @ Novels and Waffles – How to Create an Instagram Theme […]

  20. […] addition, I took Kat’s advice @ Novels and Waffles (love Kat, do check her out) and decided to build a theme for my Bookstagram.  Not just the purple […]

  21. […] How to create an Instagram theme: A comprehensive guide for book bloggers by Kat @ Novels & Waffles […]

  22. […] Before I had this blog, I was in bookstagram. It was really fun to take pictures of books in ways that make them even more pretty to look at. If you’re an aspiring bookstagrammer, or even already a bookstagrammer, looking for some ways to make your feed look more pleasing, check out Kat’s post about Instagram themes. […]

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